Tutorials overview

This part of the Jenkins User Documentation contains a series of introductory tutorials to help you begin building your applications in an automated fashion with Jenkins.

If you’re a developer who wants to improve your understanding of Continuous Integration (CI) / Continuous Delivery (CD) concepts, or you might already be familiar with these concepts but don’t yet know how to implement them in Jenkins, then these tutorials are a great place to start.

Getting started with Jenkins


The following tutorials show how to use key features of Jenkins to facilitate implementing CI/CD processes to build your applications:

Using build tools

The following tutorials show how to use Jenkins to cover the basics of CI/CD concepts based on specific technology stacks.

Choose the tutorial that’s relevant to your technology stack or one that you’re most familiar with:

Blue Ocean

Blue Ocean is no longer being actively maintained. These tutorials will continue to work until Blue Ocean is completely deprecated, at which point the tutorials will be removed from the documentation.

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